Total Acupuncture and Physical Therapy

Blog Articles

Woman holding lower belly

Treating Overactive Bladder (Urinary Incontinence)

May 30, 2024

Overactive bladder disrupts daily life for millions of men and women. Learn how a noninvasive therapy can reduce symptoms and help you manage this condition.
Frank Failla, DPT performing manual physical therapy techniques

Non-Invasive Therapies for Low Back Pain

Mar 14, 2024

If you experience low back pain that doesn’t resolve naturally within two weeks, consider getting a professional evaluation. Non-invasive treatments like physical therapy and acupuncture offer pain relief in the short-term and help you form healthy habits.
Person holding right knee in pain

Natural Relief from Knee Pain

Jan 25, 2024

Our knees help carry us through our day and aid in our balance. While knee pain may be common, especially as we age, acupuncture and physical therapy can offer pain relief, stimulate healing, and strengthen these critical joints.
Fall trees along a path

Understanding and Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Nov 20, 2023

How daylight impacts our mood and tips for reducing the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Tennis woman player with elbow injury holding the racket on a tennis court

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Jun 23, 2023

Tennis elbow is the most common overuse injury to the elbow affecting adults over the age of 30. About 5% of people report that playing tennis is the cause of their tennis elbow. Acupuncture and physical therapy are great non-surgical treatment options.